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Fernanda Estrada Argumedo
HUMO: Murder and Silence in El Salvador
Narrative Non Fiction - Investigative Journalism
Producer and scriptwriter, all episodes
Tepito: Barrio Brava
Narrative Non Fiction
Producer, all episodes
Lucha Libre: Behind the mask
Narrative Non-Fiction
Producer, all episodes
El Chupacabras
Narrative Non Fiction
Producer, all episodes
Scripted, wellness
Producer, all episodes
Mi nombre es Gupa
Producer and scriptwriter, all episodes
Escuela Secreta
Scripted and interview show, philosophy and esotericism
Producer, 2nd and 3rd season
Desaprendiendo con Diana y Joy
Chatcast, gender and society
Producer, all episodes
Baraja Eso
chatcast, society
Associate producer, 10 episodes
Derecho Remix
Chatcast, politics and society
Editor, 12 episodes
Estética Unisex
chatcast, gender
Associate producer, 18 episodes
Rolas sin Roles
Chatcast, feminism and gender
Producer and host, all episodes
Cuir: Dissident Stories
Narrative Non Fiction
Producer, four episodes
Hand in hand: Complaint in the Public Ministry
Explainer on how to file a legal complaint on sexual harassment in Mexico
Producer, scriptwriter, presenter, all episodes
Untitled Project, Neon Hum
Sensitivity Reader
Concepto Radial, University radio
Producer, scriptwriter, host and audio editor, 2016-2019
Echando a Emprender se Aprende, internet radio and tv
Producer, 2017-2018
KJZZ, Phoenix public Radio
Research intern, 2017
Así las Cosas, W Radio morning newscast
Information intern, 2017
Warm water won't make you lose weight. Animal Político, video
If you're a part of the trans community, this is what you need to know in order to vote Verificado 2018
Can I be fired if I participate in the 9M protests in Mexico? Animal MX
"It's just a game", Westworld and other lies about playing
No party is saved: all of them have PRI's ex-members as their candidates; Morena and PT have the most Verificado 2018
It's not a great idea to spread COVID to one another on purpose, as this viral video suggests Animal MX
Geolocation Apps for COVID: How do they work in Mexico? Are they useful? Animal Político
This are the special measures will the Mexican Government implement in voting booths for voters with disabilities? Verificado 2018
This man attempted to measure body temperature with his hand...It happened, but not in Mexico Animal MX
Some worms can get in your brain and get you sick, but not these ones Animal MX
We factchecked everything AMLO said in his Segundo informe de gobierno Animal Político
This is how I was harassed, a story in four acts Libertimento
Coronavirus vaccines for pets are not related with covid-19 Animal Político, video
Tijuana is not the "most infected city in the world", as Trump claimed Animal Político
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